Webinar on collaborating to prevent massive nitrous oxide waste in medical gas systems
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Webinar on collaborating to prevent massive nitrous oxide waste in medical gas systems

Jun 30, 2023

A Pacific Northwest Regional WebinarTuesday, May 2, 2023 / 3:00-4:30 PM Pacific Time

Several hospitals from the Pacific Northwest will jointly host free a webinar from 3-4:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 2, on how to collaborate to prevent massive nitrous oxide waste in medical gas systems. Register here.

Hospitals in our region have discovered shocking rates of nitrous oxide leakage and fugitive emissions associated with many central, piped nitrous oxide systems. Come learn about these findings, their environmental, health and safety implications, and the practical solutions we can employ to radically reduce nitrous oxide waste in hospitals and surgery centers.

In this webinar, anesthesia providers, health care facility managers and others will discuss the surprising inefficiency of tank rooms and central supply lines, as well as the ease and benefits of switching to a decentralized approach with no impact on patient care.

Continuing medical education credits are available to attendees.

Who Should Attend

Lessons to Expect


PreviewFor a preview of this topic, the full recording of a CleanMed conference session, “Nitrous Oxide: Climate-Smart Anesthesia 201,” is available here on YouTube. For a summary of key points related to the reasons for acting on this issue, watch for one minute starting at 21:45 and for 11 minutes starting at 26:35.

The health care sector has a large climate footprint, which is responsible for 8.5% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. To mitigate climate change and its harm to human health, it is vital for the health care sector to reduce its emissions from all possible areas, including anesthetic gases.

Preventing enormous waste of nitrous oxide in medical gas systems across the health care industry will require collaboration among all the professions listed above in the Who Should Attend section. We urge you to share this announcement with your internal colleagues and your counterparts in other organizations. (Remy Kerr)

Lessons to ExpectAgendaPreview